Romeo & Juliet, with its focus on a heterosexual romantic relationship and its inclusion of a female protagonist, readily lends itself to feminist critique. Traditional gender roles are imposed on both women and men in the play, which causes all the characters to suffer as the oppression of women and the perpetuation of toxic, stereotypical masculinity lead[s] them to emotional pain and often poor decisions” (Buford, 2018: 54).

From this observation name how did traditional gender roles affect Mercutio

Traditional gender roles affected Mercutio by placing expectations of toxic, stereotypical masculinity on him, which may have influenced his impulsiveness and aggressive behavior.

Traditional gender roles in Romeo & Juliet affected Mercutio in several ways.

1. Suppression of Emotions: Traditional gender roles dictate that men should be strong, stoic, and unemotional. Mercutio, being a male character, is also expected to adhere to these gender norms. However, throughout the play, Mercutio displays a more emotional and sensitive side. His outspokenness and wit, while appreciated by his friends, are also considered unmasculine, leading to his suppression of emotions. This suppression ultimately contributes to his downfall and tragic end.

2. Pressure to Conform: Mercutio is depicted as a free-spirited and independent character, who challenges societal norms and expectations. However, the traditional gender roles of the society he lives in place pressure on him to conform. While Mercutio defies some aspects of traditional masculinity, such as his carefree and playful nature, he still adheres to certain masculine traits, such as his loyalty to his friends and his willingness to engage in physical confrontations. Thus, he is caught between challenging traditional gender roles and conforming to them.

3. Limited Agency and Support: Traditional gender roles also limit Mercutio's agency and support within the play. As a male character, he is expected to prioritize his loyalty to his male friends above everything else, including his own well-being. This expectation hinders him from seeking support or expressing his struggles openly. Additionally, traditional gender roles assign women as passive objects of male desire, resulting in Mercutio being unable to fully empathize with Juliet's emotions and experiences.

Overall, the imposition of traditional gender roles on Mercutio contributes to his emotional pain, restricts his expression, and ultimately leads to his demise.