lcm 1400,one number 40 find other number

To find the other number, we first need to find the prime factorization of 1400 and 40.

Prime factorization of 1400: 2^3 x 5^2 x 7
Prime factorization of 40: 2^3 x 5

The LCM is the product of the highest powers of all prime factors involved. So, the LCM of 1400 and 40 is:

LCM = 2^3 x 5^2 x 7 = 1400

Now, we know that one of the numbers is 40. To find the other number, we need to divide the LCM by 40:

1400 รท 40 = 35

Therefore, the other number is 35.

To find the other number given the LCM (lowest common multiple) of 1400 and one number is 40, you can use the formula:

LCM = (number 1 * number 2) / GCD

Where LCM is the desired value (40), number 1 is 1400, and number 2 is the other number we are trying to find.

Now, let's find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of 1400 and 40:

GCD(1400, 40) = 40

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:

40 = (1400 * number 2) / 40

To find the value of number 2, we can rearrange the formula:

40 * 40 = 1400 * number 2

1600 = 1400 * number 2

Divide both sides by 1400:

1600 / 1400 = number 2


1.14 = number 2

So, the other number is approximately 1.14.