Formula to find the number when given gcf and lcm

If you know the greatest common factor (GCF) and least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers, you can use the following formula to find the numbers:

GCF x LCM = product of the two numbers

For example, if you know that the GCF of two numbers is 4 and the LCM is 60, you can use the formula:

4 x 60 = 240

So the two numbers could be any pair of factors of 240 that have a GCF of 4, such as 24 and 10, or 20 and 12.

To find the number when given the greatest common factor (GCF) and least common multiple (LCM), you can use the formula:

Number = (GCF * LCM) / GCF

Let's break down the formula:

1. Multiply the GCF by the LCM.
2. Divide the result by the GCF.

By doing so, you can determine the original number.