What should you say when you refuse drugs?

A. You should never give reasons.
B. You should give reasons only if asked.
C. You should clearly state your personal reasons.
D. You should give reasons your peers want to hear.

C. You should clearly state your personal reasons.


orrect, you should always be honest and clear about your personal reasons for refusing drugs.

and maybe d but i think c

It's true that some people may feel pressured to give reasons that their peers want to hear, but it's important to remember that honesty and clarity are key when it comes to drug refusal. Ultimately, you should always prioritize your own personal reasons and comfort level when it comes to refusing drugs.

C. You should clearly state your personal reasons.

The appropriate response when refusing drugs can vary depending on the situation and personal preferences. However, option C, which suggests clearly stating your personal reasons, is generally considered a good approach. Explaining your personal reasons for refusing drugs can help others to understand and respect your choice. It can also encourage open and honest communication.

If you are faced with the question of refusing drugs, here's how you can handle the situation:

1. Stay calm and composed: Begin by taking a deep breath and maintaining a confident and respectful demeanor.
2. Be assertive: Clearly express your decision to refuse drugs, making it clear that this is a personal choice you have made.
3. State your reasons (optional): If you feel comfortable doing so, briefly explain your personal reasons for refusing drugs. This could include concerns about health, negative consequences, legal issues, or personal values.
4. Stay firm and confident: It's important to remain steadfast in your decision and not let anyone pressure or manipulate you into changing your mind.
5. Suggest alternative activities: If you want to redirect the conversation in a positive way, you can propose alternative activities or find common interests that do not involve drugs.

Remember, it's crucial to trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being. If someone continues to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable, it may be best to remove yourself from the situation and seek support from a trusted adult or authority figure.