Simplify 3x-8*3x+15x divided by 5

First, simplify the expression in the numerator by combining like terms:

3x - 8*3x + 15x = 3x - 24x + 15x = -6x

Now, we can rewrite the expression as:

-6x / 5

This cannot be simplified any further, so the final answer is:

-6x / 5

To simplify the expression (3x - 8) * (3x + 15x) / 5, we follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) to simplify each part step-by-step.

1. First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
(3x - 8) * (3x + 15x)
= (3x - 8) * (18x)
= 3x * 18x - 8 * 18x
= 54x^2 - 144x

2. Next, divide the resulting expression by 5:
(54x^2 - 144x) / 5

The expression is simplified to (54x^2 / 5) - (144x / 5).

So, the simplified expression is (54x^2 / 5) - (144x / 5).