A driver travel from suyani to Accra the distance between the two cities is 40miles. After 60minutes, the driver makes a stop at bechem which is 10miles

from suyani, after resting for 30minutes, he makes a return journey to suyani in 180 minutes draw the information on a graph

To graph this information, we can use a distance-time graph.

First, we'll plot the distance between Suyani and Accra on the x-axis and the time on the y-axis. Since the distance between the two cities is 40 miles, we'll set the x-axis to 0-40 miles.

Next, we'll plot the driver's journey.

- The driver starts at Suyani, so we'll plot a point at x=0, y=0.
- After 60 minutes of driving, the driver reaches Bechem, which is 10 miles from Suyani. So we'll plot a point at x=10, y=60.
- The driver rests at Bechem for 30 minutes, so we'll add a horizontal line at y=90 to show the resting period.
- After the rest, the driver begins the return journey to Suyani. We know the return journey takes 180 minutes, so we'll plot a point at x=10, y=270 (because 60 + 30 + 180 = 270).
- Finally, the driver arrives back at Suyani, so we'll plot a point at x=0, y=270.

Connecting the dots on the graph, we get a V-shaped graph with one line sloping upwards and the other sloping downwards. The distance increases at a steady rate until Bechem, after which it remains constant until the driver begins the return journey.

Here's what the graph looks like:

300 | *
| *
250 | *
| *
150 | *
| -------
100 | *
| *
50 |*
0 |*———————*———————*
0 10 40
DISTANCE (miles)

The * symbols represent the points we plotted above. The graph shows that the driver covered more distance in less time on the way back to Suyani, since they didn't make any stops and were presumably driving faster.

To draw the information on a graph, we can create a time-distance graph. The x-axis will represent time and the y-axis will represent distance.

Step 1: Plot the initial position
- Place a point on the graph at (0, 0) to represent the starting point of Suyani.

Step 2: Plot the first leg of the journey
- After 60 minutes, the driver makes a stop at Bechem, which is 10 miles from Suyani.
- Place a point on the graph at (60, 10) to represent the position of the driver after the first leg of the journey.

Step 3: Plot the rest stop
- The driver rests for 30 minutes at Bechem.
- The position remains the same during this time, so the line on the graph remains horizontal until (90, 10).

Step 4: Plot the return journey
- After resting, the driver makes a return journey to Suyani.
- The return journey takes 180 minutes, and the distance remains the same at 10 miles.
- Plot a line on the graph from (90, 10) to (270, 10) to represent the return journey.

Step 5: Plot the final position
- The driver arrives back at Suyani after the return journey.
- Place a point on the graph at (270, 0) to represent the final position of the driver.

Step 6: Connect the points
- Draw a line connecting all the plotted points on the graph.

The time-distance graph will show the driver's journey from Suyani to Bechem, the rest stop, and the return journey back to Suyani.