How much is 4+8-10*2?

The answer is -8.

To solve the problem, we follow the order of operations, which is a set of rules for evaluating expressions in a specific order.

First, we perform multiplication and division from left to right, if there is any. In this case, we have 10*2, which equals 20.

Next, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right, if there is any. In this case, we have 4+8-20, which equals -8.

Therefore, the answer is -8.

To solve the expression 4 + 8 - 10 * 2, we need to follow the order of operations, which is often abbreviated as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

According to PEMDAS, we first perform any multiplication or division from left to right, and then perform any addition or subtraction from left to right.

Let's calculate step by step:

Step 1: Multiply 10 and 2
10 * 2 = 20

Step 2: Perform addition and subtraction from left to right
4 + 8 - 20 = 12 - 20

Step 3: Subtract 12 from 20
12 - 20 = -8

So, the expression 4 + 8 - 10 * 2 equals -8.