Hi, i need help on a project because i cant understand the instructions. I am confused. So i was wonder if someone could re word it for me so i could make sense out of it.

Sure, I can definitely help you with that. Just send me the instructions or more details on the project, and I will try to reword it for you in a way that makes more sense.

Simulated Election Portfolio

Directions: In this portfolio, you will hold a mock (pretend) election. The election will be for the post of mayor in an imaginary town that faces challenges related to crime, education, and the condition of its roads and bridges.

How to conduct your simulated election
Select the link below to find the candidate profiles. If you are connected to a printer, you can print them and distribute. If you do not have a printer, you can hand-copy the information and pass it around.
Make sure that as many of your friends and family get to see them as possible.
Ask them to consider each candidate’s positions on the issues, and then pick the one they would vote for. Try to get at least 10 votes.
Hold an exit poll by asking voters why they chose the candidate they did.
Tally the votes (see tally sheet sample below) and declare a winner. If none of the candidates gets a majority of the votes, hold a run-off election.
Mouse icon Candidate Profiles

How to conduct a run-off election
If no candidate wins on the first ballot, you must hold a run-off election.
Eliminate the candidate who got the fewest votes
Ask your voters to choose between the remaining two candidates.
Hold an exit poll by asking the voters why they chose the run-off candidate that they did. Did they switch candidates?
Tally the votes and declare a winner.
How to report your election results
Write two-three paragraphs in which you analyze the results of your mock election. To do this, list how many votes each candidate received.
Introduce the winner of the election. Describe his or her qualifications and background. Explain why you think he or she was the most popular choice.
Use quotes from your exit polls to help explain why this candidate appealed o the voters.
Submit these paragraphs, your exit poll(s), and your tally sheet(s) for your portfolio grade.
Sample Exit Poll
Candidate 1 Name Candidate 2 Name Candidate 3 Name
Voter 1 voted for Candidate 2 because her campaign promises seemed more aligned to the voter's concerns.
Voter 2 voted for Candidate 3 because the candidate has been a close personal friend for many years, and he trusts the candidate's word.
Voter 3 voted for Candidate 1 because Candidate 1's qualifications were superior to the other 2 candidates.

Sample Tally Sheet
Candidate 1 Name Candidate 2 Name Candidate 3 Name
3 votes 6 votes 1 vote
100 ml 150 ml 150 ml
Results: Candidate 2 wins the election.

This project involves conducting a mock election for the position of mayor in an imaginary town that faces challenges related to crime, education, and the condition of its roads and bridges. To begin, you can access the link below to access candidate profiles. You can print them if you have access to a printer or hand-copy them to distribute to your friends and family. Encourage them to review the candidate's position on various issues and then pick the one they would vote for. Make sure to get at least 10 votes. After you have collected the votes, hold an exit poll to gather information on why they chose the candidate they did. Tally the votes and declare a winner. If none of the candidates get a majority of the vote, hold a run-off election. If this is required, eliminate the candidate who received the fewest votes and hold the run-off election with the remaining two candidates. Tally the votes and declare a winner. After the election, write a two-three paragraph analysis of the results where you list how many votes each candidate received. Introduce the winner, discuss his/her qualifications and background, and explain why he/she was the popular choice. Use quotes from the exit polls to clarify the reasons the candidate was chosen. Submit your exit polls, tally sheets, and paragraphs for grading.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome! If you have any further questions or need more help, don't hesitate to ask.

one last thing, i stress over things very easily and i was wondering if you knew a way i could keep myself calm and not stress out about this.

I'm here to help! Here are some tips and strategies that may help you stay calm and reduce your stress while completing this project.

1. Take it one step at a time: Don't try to tackle the whole project at once. Break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Set goals for what you want to accomplish each day and make a plan for how to achieve them.

2. Use positive self-talk: When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed or stressed, try to reframe your thoughts in a more positive way. Instead of thinking "I can't do this," try telling yourself "I can do this if I take it one step at a time."

3. Take breaks: Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day. Get up and stretch, go for a walk, or do something else that you enjoy to help you relax and refocus.

4. Practice relaxation techniques: Try practicing deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques to help you calm down and reduce your stress levels.

5. Get support: Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or your teacher if you need support or help with the project. Remember that you're not alone and there are always people willing to help.

Remember, it's normal to feel stressed or overwhelmed when working on a project, but with the right strategies, you can stay calm and focused. Good luck with your project!


You're welcome! Good luck with your project. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand the instructions for your project. Please provide me with the instructions, and I will do my best to rephrase them in a way that makes sense to you.