4, define and identify the merit and demerit of globalization?

5,elaborate the nature of growth and development in ethiopia?

4. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries through trade, communication, and cultural exchange. The merit of globalization is that it allows for increased economic growth and access to a wider range of goods and services. It can also lead to cultural exchange and the spread of ideas and technology. However, globalization can also lead to increased inequality and exploitation, as wealthy countries and corporations often benefit at the expense of poorer countries and workers.

5. Ethiopia has experienced significant economic growth in recent years, with a focus on agriculture and manufacturing. However, this growth has been unevenly distributed, with some regions and populations still facing poverty and lack of access to basic resources. Additionally, the country is facing challenges in terms of environmental sustainability, with deforestation and desertification posing threats to agricultural production and the livelihoods of local communities. Overall, while Ethiopia has made progress in terms of economic growth and development, there is still much work to be done to ensure that this growth is sustainable and benefits all members of society.

6, assess the general features of ethiopian economy and the challenges and prospects of socio economic development of ethiopia?

The Ethiopian economy is characterized by a mix of agricultural and industrial sectors, with agriculture serving as the primary source of employment and income for the majority of the population. The country has made significant strides in economic growth and development in recent years, with an average annual growth rate of around 10% over the past decade. This growth has been driven in large part by government-led investments in infrastructure, such as transportation and energy, as well as the development of a more diversified manufacturing sector.

However, despite these positive developments, Ethiopia still faces significant challenges in terms of socio-economic development. One of the major challenges is poverty, with around 25% of the population living below the poverty line. Additionally, the country faces high rates of unemployment, especially among youth, and a lack of access to basic healthcare and education in many rural areas.

Other challenges facing the Ethiopian economy include environmental degradation, political instability, and inadequate infrastructure in some regions. Climate change is also posing a threat to agricultural production, which is a key sector of the economy.

Despite these challenges, Ethiopia has a number of prospects for further socio-economic development. The government has plans to continue investing in infrastructure and expanding employment opportunities, particularly in the manufacturing sector, as well as improving access to healthcare and education. Additionally, the country has significant potential for further development in the tourism sector, given its rich cultural heritage and natural resources.

Overall, while Ethiopia has made significant progress in economic growth and development in recent years, there is still much work to be done to address the challenges facing the country and ensure that these developments are sustainable and benefit all members of society.

4. Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness and integration of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. It involves the flow of goods, services, capital, information, and ideas across national boundaries. Here are the merits and demerits of globalization:

Merits of Globalization:
1. Economic Growth: Globalization can lead to increased economic growth by opening up new markets, promoting free trade, attracting foreign direct investment, and fostering competition.
2. Expanded Consumer Choices: Globalization allows consumers to access a wider variety of goods and services from around the world, leading to increased consumer choices and better-quality products.
3. Technological advancements: Globalization contributes to the spread and transfer of technology, innovation, and knowledge across countries, which can lead to improvements in productivity and living standards.
4. Cultural Exchange: Globalization facilitates cultural exchange and understanding by enabling people from different societies to interact, share ideas, and appreciate diverse cultures.

Demerits of Globalization:
1. Inequality: Globalization can exacerbate income inequality both within and between countries, as it may benefit certain individuals, businesses, or nations more than others.
2. Job Displacement: Globalization can lead to job losses and displacement, particularly in certain industries or regions where businesses may relocate to lower-cost locations.
3. Environmental Challenges: Globalization can contribute to environmental degradation, as increased trade and economic activity may lead to higher carbon emissions, pollution, and resource depletion.
4. Cultural Homogenization: Some argue that globalization can lead to the dilution or loss of unique cultural identities, as global media, fashion, and consumerism promote a more homogenous global culture.

5. The nature of growth and development in Ethiopia is characterized by several factors:

- Agriculture: Ethiopia has a predominantly agrarian economy, with agriculture accounting for a significant portion of its GDP and employment. The country has ample agricultural resources, favorable climatic conditions, and potential for increased productivity and commercialization in the sector.

- Industrialization: Ethiopia has been pursuing an industrialization strategy to diversify its economy and promote manufacturing and industrial sectors. The government has been investing in infrastructure, such as industrial parks and energy projects, to attract foreign investments and promote job creation.

- Human Development: Ethiopia has made significant progress in improving education, healthcare, and other social indicators over the past few decades. Efforts to reduce poverty, promote gender equality, and expand access to basic services have contributed to human development.

- Infrastructure Development: Ethiopia has been investing in infrastructure development, including transportation networks, energy projects, and telecommunications. These investments are aimed at enhancing connectivity, facilitating trade, and attracting investment.

- Challenges: Despite the progress, Ethiopia faces several challenges in its growth and development journey. These include limited access to finance, infrastructure gaps, unemployment, poverty, regional conflicts, and political instability. Additionally, disparities between urban and rural areas, and regional disparities pose challenges to inclusive growth.

It is important to note that the nature of growth and development in Ethiopia is constantly evolving, influenced by various local and global factors, government policies, and socioeconomic dynamics.