Provide one conclusion statement and two recommendations on how the issue of gender base violence to government

Conclusion statement: Gender-based violence is a pervasive and persistent problem that requires urgent and sustained attention from government.

Recommendation 1: The government should provide adequate funding and resources to support the implementation and enforcement of laws and policies aimed at preventing and responding to gender-based violence. This includes implementing comprehensive awareness-raising campaigns, establishing safe houses and shelters for survivors, and ensuring that law enforcement officials are trained in recognizing and responding to gender-based violence.

Recommendation 2: The government should engage in collaborative partnerships with civil society organizations, survivors, and community leaders to address the root causes of gender-based violence and to ensure that the voices and experiences of those most affected by the issue are heard and valued. This includes working to address inequities in access to education, healthcare, employment, and other basic services that contribute to the perpetuation of gender-based violence.


In conclusion, addressing the issue of gender-based violence is crucial for creating a safer and more equitable society. It requires concerted efforts from government, policymakers, communities, and individuals to combat this pervasive issue.


1. Strengthen Legislative Framework:
- Update and enforce existing laws to adequately address gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment.
- Implement strict penalties for offenders to deter future incidents and ensure justice for survivors.
- Establish specialized courts or tribunals to expedite the legal process and provide a safe environment for victims to seek justice.

2. Improve Awareness and Education:
- Develop comprehensive educational programs to raise awareness about gender-based violence, its causes, and its impact on individuals and society.
- Promote gender equality and respect through school curricula, emphasizing the importance of consent, healthy relationships, and the rights of all individuals.
- Conduct awareness campaigns through media, social platforms, and community outreach programs to challenge harmful beliefs and social norms that perpetuate violence.

By taking these steps, the government can play a pivotal role in tackling gender-based violence, protecting victims, and creating a society that values and respects all individuals regardless of their gender.