Transportation Travelogues: 7th Grade Project for Chapter 11: Growth and Expansion 1. Imagine you are a traveler along the Erie Canal. Create a one page journal entry that details your experiences. Then create a second one page journal entry as a traveler on the railroad or turnpike. Use your textbook and other reliable sources to obtain your information. List your sources on the back sides of your journal entries.

Travelogue 1: Erie Canal

Dear diary,

I am a traveler on the Erie Canal! The canal is so peaceful and beautiful. The weather has been cooperative, which makes our journey even more delightful. The canal has allowed us to see New York from a different perspective. It is amazing to see how the canal connects different cities and towns that seemed so far apart before. I also learned that the canal was built to transport goods and commodities like wheat, corn, and flour across the state to the Hudson River and on to New York City. We saw so many barges carrying goods like freshly milled flour and apples, which will be sold at markets in New York City. There are also many farms along the way, and we see many travelers taking their crops to market. The bargemen on the canal are friendly and helpful, and they always share fascinating stories of their travels. It is a fantastic way to travel, and I am grateful for this experience.


1. "The Erie Canal" by Antonio C. Lala
2. "Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor" by Canal Society of New York State

Travelogue 2: Railroad or Turnpike

Dear diary,

I am a traveler on the turnpike, and it is so different from the Erie Canal. The roads are bumpy and dusty, and it is much wider than the canal. We traveled by stagecoach to get to our destination. The stagecoach is definitely not the most comfortable ride, but it is fast and efficient. The railroad is even faster, it’s almost unbelievable! We saw trains moving at incredible speeds because they don't have to stop for loading and unloading goods like barges on the canal. The railroad also allows people and goods to move in and out of cities and towns much quicker than before. However, the countryside is changing rapidly with the construction of the turnpike and railroad. Cutting down trees and blasting rock to make the paths for these modes of transportation has disrupted the natural landscape, but it is incredible to see just how much progress is being made. Traveling on the turnpike and railroad made it easy for travelers to get where they need to be quickly, but it’s definitely bumpy and noisy.


1. "The American Transportation Revolution" by John R. Stilgoe
2. "American Railroads and the Transformation of the Antebellum Economy" by William G. Thomas III.

Journal Entry as a Traveler along the Erie Canal:

Date: [Enter Date]
Location: [Enter Location]

Dear Journal,

Today, I embarked on a fascinating journey along the Erie Canal. The canal is a remarkable engineering marvel that connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, and it has completely transformed transportation in the region. As I navigated its waters, I was awestruck by the vastness and beauty of the surrounding landscapes.

The Erie Canal is lined with bustling towns and villages, bringing together people from all walks of life. Passing through these settlements, I marveled at the sight of merchants unloading and loading goods onto the Canal boats. The canal has become a crucial trade route, allowing goods and resources to flow seamlessly across the region.

Throughout the day, I had the pleasure of interacting with fellow travelers and workers along the canal. It was amazing to witness the sense of camaraderie and cooperation among them. The canal has not only fostered economic growth but also created a strong sense of community.

Furthermore, the journey itself was an unforgettable experience. The canal waterways were abuzz with activity, with boats of various sizes and shapes navigating the locks and bridges. The ingenuity of the canal's design, with its series of locks and aqueducts, was evident as we smoothly transitioned between different elevations. It truly is a testament to human innovation.

As the sun began to set, I found myself reflecting on the profound impact the Erie Canal has had on American society. It has opened up new opportunities for trade, sparked economic growth, and brought people together. The bustling activity along the canal speaks to the growth and expansion happening in this young nation.

1. [Enter textbook/source title]
2. [Enter reliable source]
3. [Enter reliable source]

Journal Entry as a Traveler on the Railroad or Turnpike:

Date: [Enter Date]
Location: [Enter Location]

Dear Journal,

Today, I embarked on an exciting journey along the newly built railroad or turnpike. This mode of transportation has revolutionized travel, significantly reducing the time it takes to reach our destinations. However, the experience was quite different from my journey along the Erie Canal.

As I boarded the train or traveled along the well-paved turnpike, the speed at which we traveled was astounding. The smoothness of the ride allowed me to cover long distances in a fraction of the time it would have taken on other modes of transportation. It felt like we were gliding effortlessly through the countryside.

One notable aspect of this journey was the abundance of pristine landscapes that unfolded before my eyes. The railroad or turnpike cuts through untouched wilderness and opens up opportunities for settlement and development. It was fascinating to witness the changing scenery as we traveled from one region to another.

I was also struck by the efficiency and organization of the railway or turnpike system. The stations or rest stops were strategically placed, ensuring that travelers had access to food, water, and shelter along the way. These facilities have become meeting places for people from diverse backgrounds, fostering cultural exchange and social connection.

The journey itself felt more solitary compared to traveling along the Erie Canal. Unlike the bustling communities along the canal, there were fewer interactions with fellow travelers and workers. However, the ability to reach my destination quickly and efficiently made up for the lack of social engagement.

As the day drew to a close, I couldn't help but appreciate the transformative power of the railroad or turnpike. These transportation networks have united the nation, facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas, and accelerated development and expansion. The newfound mobility has brought about enormous benefits for individuals and communities.

1. [Enter textbook/source title]
2. [Enter reliable source]
3. [Enter reliable source]