Using IUPAC nomenclature, name the following compound: CH3CH(NH2)CH2CH(CH3)OH


To name the given compound using IUPAC nomenclature, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the parent chain.
- Start at the carbon with the highest number of functional groups (in this case, the OH group).
- Count the number of carbons in the longest continuous chain that includes the OH group. In this case, there are 5 carbons.

Step 2: Identify and name substituents.
- The amino group (NH2) and the methyl (CH3) group attached to the second carbon will be treated as substituents.

Step 3: Number the carbon atoms.
- Begin numbering from one end of the parent chain.
- Assign the lowest possible numbers to the substituents.
- In this case, start numbering from the end nearest to the amino group (NH2).

Step 4: Combine the names of substituents and the parent chain.
- The amino group is named as "amino" and the methyl group is named as "methyl."
- The parent chain is named as "pentanol" since it contains five carbons and an alcohol group (-OH).

Step 5: Arrange the names in alphabetical order.
- In this case, the amino group is the first substituent, followed by the methyl group.

Putting it all together, the IUPAC name for the given compound is: 2-amino-3-methylpentan-1-ol.