Data shows the number of seconds it took two randomly selected groups to thread a needle. Compare the measure of center and variability of these data sets.

Student group A:56,14,26,29,45,32,80,3,10
Student group B: 27,24,18,19,5,16,22,10,6,20
The range of the time by group A and group are the same.
Median time taken by group A to thread a endless higher than group B.
The mean time taken by group A is higher than that of group B
The amount of variability of the same taken by group A to thread a need is higher than the amount of the variability of the time taken by group B

This means that group A took longer, on average, to thread a needle than group B and had more variation in their times. Group B had a lower median and mean time taken and less variation in their times.

To compare the measure of center and variability between the two data sets, let's analyze the information provided.

Measure of center:

1. Range: The range of the time taken by both group A and group B is the same. This means that the highest value minus the lowest value in both sets are equal.


2. Median: The median time taken by group A to thread a needle is higher than that of group B. The median represents the middle value when the data is arranged in ascending order. Since the median of group A is higher, it suggests that group A takes more time on average compared to group B.

3. Mean: The mean time taken by group A is higher than that of group B. The mean is calculated by summing all the values and dividing by the number of values. The higher mean in group A further indicates that group A takes more time on average.

4. Variability: The amount of variability in the time taken by group A to thread a needle is higher than the amount of variability in the time taken by group B. Variability refers to the spread or dispersion of the data. When the variability is higher, it indicates that the data points are more spread out. Therefore, group A shows a greater amount of variability, implying a wider range of time taken.

In summary, the measure of center (median and mean) and variability (range and spread) indicate that group A takes more time, on average, and exhibits a greater spread of time taken to thread a needle compared to group B.