The Causes of the War of 1812 Read pH110-113

In your notes, use a table to identify the long-term vs immediate causes of the war.

Long-Term Causes | Immediate Causes

--- | ---
1. British interference with American trade | 1. British impressment of American sailors
2. American expansionism into Native American territories | 2. British support of Native American resistance
3. American desire for Canada | 3. War hawks in Congress pushing for war
4. British maritime policies, including blockades and the Orders in Council | 4. Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
5. Nationalistic pride and a desire to assert American sovereignty | 5. Failure of diplomatic efforts, including the Embargo Act and Non-Intercourse Act

To identify the long-term vs immediate causes of the War of 1812, we can create a table. Here's an example:

| Long-term Causes | Immediate Causes |
| - British interference with American trade and impressment of American sailors | - British support for Native American resistance to American expansion |
| - American desire for territorial expansion and desire to gain control of Canada | - War Hawks in Congress calling for war with Britain |
| - British violations of American neutrality during the Napoleonic Wars | - The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, where a British ship attacked an American ship |
| - British attempts to restrict American trade with France | - The Embargo Act of 1807, which restricted American trade with all foreign nations |
| - American nationalism and desire to assert independence from Britain | - The non-intercourse act, which ended the embargo on trade but continued trade restrictions with Britain and France |

Note: The page numbers mentioned (pH110-113) were not clear. Please refer to the specific book or source you are using to access detailed information about the causes of the War of 1812.