What were the main principles of the French Revolution?

How'd they impact the world?

What notes could i write?
Write in bullet notes and shorten them.

(Please site the evidence given the notes)

- Main principles of the French Revolution:

- Liberty, equality, fraternity
- Resistance against absolute monarchy and aristocracy
- Democratic and republican ideals
- National sovereignty and citizenship
- Social justice and human rights
(source: Encyclopedia Britannica)

- Impact of the French Revolution on the world:
- Spread of revolutionary ideas and movements
- Overthrow of monarchies and feudal systems in Europe and Latin America
- Emergence of nationalism and modern nation-states
- Transformation of political, social, and economic systems
- Creation of new symbols, values, and institutions
(source: History.com)

- Notes to write:
- French Revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity; democracy, republicanism, sovereignty, justice
- Impact: spread of ideas, overthrow of monarchies, emergence of nationalism, transformation of systems, creation of symbols
- (Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica, History.com)

Main Principles of the French Revolution:

- Liberty: The revolutionaries emphasized the idea of individual freedom and sought to break free from the absolute monarchy of King Louis XVI. They advocated for the rights and liberties of all citizens. (Source: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" - French Revolution, ThoughtCo)

- Equality: The revolution aimed to establish political and social equality amongst all citizens, regardless of their social standing or birthright. They called for an end to the privileges enjoyed by the nobility and clergy. (Source: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" - French Revolution, ThoughtCo)

- Fraternity: The French Revolution promoted a sense of solidarity and unity among the citizens. People were encouraged to see themselves as part of a larger community and to work together for the betterment of society. (Source: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" - French Revolution, ThoughtCo)

Impact of the French Revolution on the world:

- Spread of Revolutionary Ideas: The principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity espoused during the French Revolution had a profound impact on political and social movements worldwide. They inspired other countries to challenge autocratic rule and fight for their rights. (Source: "The Impact of the French Revolution in Britain" - BBC)

- Rise of Nationalism: The French Revolution's emphasis on a collective identity played a crucial role in the rise of nationalism. It fostered a sense of national pride and encouraged people to think of themselves as part of a unified nation rather than just subjects of a monarchy. (Source: "French Revolution, Impact of the" - Encyclopedia.com)

- Abolition of Feudalism: The revolution led to the complete abolition of feudalism in France, which served as a turning point in the social structure of many other countries as well. It dismantled the feudal system, where peasants were bound to the land and subjected to the rule of the nobility. (Source: "Feudalism" - History.com)

Note Ideas:

- French Revolution principles: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
- Spread of revolutionary ideas worldwide
- Rise of nationalism
- Abolition of feudalism in France
- Impact on social structure of other countries

(Sources provided for each note)