What were the main principles of the French Revolution and how did they influence the world?

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Main principles of the French Revolution:

1. Liberty: The revolution aimed to establish individual rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. (Source: "The French Revolution," History.com)
2. Equality: The concept of equality before the law was advocated, challenging the traditional social hierarchy and privileges enjoyed by the nobility and clergy. (Source: "What was the French Revolution?," BBC)
3. Fraternity: The revolution emphasized the idea of solidarity and mutual support among citizens, promoting a sense of national unity and common purpose. (Source: "French Revolution," Encyclopedia Britannica)
4. Popular Sovereignty: The belief that political power should rest with the people and be exercised through voting and representation. This principle led to the creation of the National Assembly and subsequent democratic reforms. (Source: "Causes of the French Revolution," SparkNotes)

Influence on the world:
1. Spread of Revolutionary Ideas: The principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity inspired other revolutionary movements globally, such as the Haitian Revolution, Latin American independence movements, and the struggle for women's rights. (Source: "Effects of the French Revolution," ThoughtCo)
2. End of Absolute Monarchy: The French Revolution paved the way for the decline of absolute monarchy as a dominant form of government, contributing to the rise of constitutional and representative systems around the world. (Source: "French Revolution," Encyclopedia Britannica)
3. Nationalism: The revolution fostered a strong sense of national identity among the French people, which became a driving force behind the establishment of nation-states across Europe in the 19th century. (Source: "The French Revolution and the Rise of Nationalism," Gilder Lehrman Institute)
4. Rise of Modern Political Ideologies: Revolutionary ideals and the events of the French Revolution played a crucial role in the development of modern political ideologies, including liberalism, socialism, and nationalism. (Source: "The Political Impact of the French Revolution," The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny)

Note: The sources cited here provide in-depth information on the topic and can be accessed for further reading.