Speech about what my school need most

Distinguished guests, respected teachers and my fellow students, today I stand before you to address a topic that is of great significance to all of us here. As students, we all have ideas about what our school needs the most, and we believe that it is important to explore and discuss these issues in order to improve our educational system and environment.

In my opinion, after observing and analyzing the numerous aspects of our school, the most pressing need for our school is to invest in more quality learning resources for our students.

We all know that learning is a lifelong process, and for us as students, learning is the centerpiece of our daily schedules. However, the current learning resources available at our school are limited in number, and do not cater to the diverse learning abilities of all students. We understand that the administration has done its best to provide all of us with good learning resources, but we believe that more can be done.

Our school needs more quality learning resources to cater to the different learning styles and preferences of each student, such as visual, auditory, and kinetic learning. The classroom learning could be supplemented with online resources such as online libraries, educational videos, interactive web-based activities, and virtual experiments.

Good quality textbooks that cover the latest curriculum could also be provided to students to enhance their learning experiences. Access to modern technology and equipment in our classrooms could help create an interactive and engaging learning experience for all students.

Providing students with these resources will enable them to have access to a vast range of learning materials that would cater to their pace, style, and preferences, and thus enhance their overall learning experience.

In conclusion, while our school has many admirable qualities, like excellent teachers and a vibrant student culture, a lack of quality learning resources is a significant issue that needs to be addressed. I hope that the school administration will take this issue seriously and take steps to invest in more resources that will enhance the learning experiences for all students.

Thank you.

Title: Meeting the Needs of Our School: A Call for Change

Good morning/afternoon, esteemed teachers, principal, and fellow students. Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic close to my heart – identifying the most pressing needs of our school. It is crucial that we recognize these needs and work together to bring about the necessary changes. After careful consideration and observation, I have identified three key areas that require immediate attention: infrastructure, educational resources, and student support services.


I. Infrastructure:
Firstly, the state of our school's infrastructure needs serious attention. Over the years, we have witnessed the wear and tear of our facilities, such as outdated classrooms, malfunctioning or insufficient equipment, and inadequate spaces for extracurricular activities. This impacts not only our learning environment but also our overall well-being. We urgently require modernization and renovations to create a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning.

Step 1: Conduct a comprehensive assessment: Collaborate with school management and the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough evaluation of our infrastructure, identifying areas that need immediate repair or renovation.

Step 2: Seek funding opportunities: Explore various channels, including grants, community partnerships, or fundraising initiatives, to secure the necessary funds for infrastructural improvements.

Step 3: Prioritize renovations: With the available resources, prioritize the most critical areas for renovation, ensuring that our school environment better supports our educational endeavors.

II. Educational Resources:
Secondly, it is apparent that our school lacks access to adequate educational resources. This includes textbooks, technological tools, laboratory equipment, and teaching aids. Without these essential resources, we are hindered in our education and find it challenging to keep up with the rapidly evolving educational landscape.

Step 1: Assess resource gaps: Conduct an inventory of existing educational resources to determine areas of deficiency and develop a comprehensive understanding of the gaps that need to be addressed.

Step 2: Collaborative procurement: Engage with educational departments, local businesses, and other relevant stakeholders to seek donations, grants, or partnerships to acquire the necessary educational resources.

Step 3: Budget allocation: Advocate for increased budget allocation to ensure a steady and sufficient supply of educational resources, enabling both teachers and students to thrive academically.

III. Student Support Services:
Lastly, our school must focus on enhancing student support services to create a nurturing environment that fosters every student's holistic development. There is a growing need for programs that address mental health, career guidance, and support services tailored to individual student needs.

Step 1: Establish a support network: Collaborate with mental health professionals, community organizations, and parent associations to create a supportive network that provides counseling, mentorship, and guidance to students.

Step 2: Implement comprehensive career guidance: Develop and implement comprehensive career guidance programs to assist students in making informed decisions about their future academic and professional paths.

Step 3: Foster a positive school culture: Promote a positive school culture where students feel valued, respected, and supported, encouraging their emotional and social development.


In conclusion, addressing the pressing needs of our school requires a collective effort from all stakeholders – staff, students, parents, and the wider community. By prioritizing infrastructure improvements, ensuring access to essential educational resources, and enhancing student support services, we can create an environment that not only facilitates learning but also supports the overall growth and well-being of each student. Let us unite in our efforts to bring about these necessary changes and pave the way for a brighter future for our school.

Thank you.