Each of the following issues must be addressed by flood mitigation strategies. For which issue is it the most difficult to assign monetary (money) values to the costs and benefits of the flood mitigation strategy?

protecting ecosystems
protecting homes and businesses
protecting infrastructure (roads & bridges)
protecting communication systems

Protecting ecosystems is the most difficult issue to assign monetary values to the costs and benefits of flood mitigation strategies. This is because the value of ecosystems is often intangible and difficult to quantify in monetary terms. Additionally, the long-term ecological consequences of flooding are often uncertain and difficult to predict.

which one of these are the most apropriate for that protecting ecosystems

protecting homes and businesses
protecting infrastructure (roads & bridges)
protecting communication systems

Protecting ecosystems is the most appropriate for protecting ecosystems.

The issue for which it is most difficult to assign monetary values to the costs and benefits of flood mitigation strategies is protecting ecosystems.

Protecting ecosystems involves preserving and minimizing harm to natural environments, including wetlands, forests, and wildlife habitats. Assigning monetary values to these aspects can be challenging because their benefits are often intangible or non-market goods. The value of preserving biodiversity, providing ecosystem services, and maintaining a healthy environment is not easily quantifiable in monetary terms. Additionally, the costs associated with mitigating the impact of floods on ecosystems, such as restoration or conservation efforts, can be complex to calculate accurately. Therefore, it is more difficult to assign monetary values to the costs and benefits of flood mitigation strategies regarding protecting ecosystems.