Which equation can be used to find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to ∠EGB?

A diagram of three intersecting lines is shown. Line A C is horizontal, with point A to the left, and line B D is vertical, with point B near the top. Lines A C and B D intersect at point G. A small square is located at the point of intersection. Line E F extends from point E at the upper left through point G to point F to the lower right.
A. m∠EGB + m∠AGD = 180º
B. m∠EGB + m∠EGA = 180º
C. m∠EGB + m∠BGC = 180º
D. m∠EGB + m∠BGF = 180º

D. m∠EGB + m∠BGF = 180º

The equation that can be used to find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to ∠EGB is:

A. m∠EGB + m∠AGD = 180º