1. Explain the pattern of forming the future tense for the verb poner, salir, and venir

2. using spanish vocabulary tell three ways that people can help to proteger el medio ambient

1. To form the future tense for the verb poner, salir, and venir in Spanish, you need to add the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb:

- Poner: pondré, pondrás, pondrá, pondremos, pondréis, pondrán.
- Salir: saldré, saldrás, saldrá, saldremos, saldréis, saldrán.
- Venir: vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis, vendrán.

2. Tres maneras en que las personas pueden ayudar a proteger el medio ambiente son:
- Reciclar: separando los materiales que se pueden reciclar en contenedores específicos para ello.
- Ahorrar energía: apagando las luces y desconectando los electrodomésticos cuando no se están utilizando.
- Reducir el consumo de plástico: utilizando bolsas reutilizables en lugar de bolsas de plástico, y optando por productos que no vengan en envases plásticos desechables.

1. In Spanish, the future tense of the verb "poner" (to put) is formed by adding the endings -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, and -án to the infinitive stem "pondr-."

For example:
- Yo pondré (I will put)
- Tú pondrás (You will put)
- Él/ella pondrá (He/she will put)
- Nosotros/nosotras pondremos (We will put)
- Vosotros/vosotras pondréis (You all will put)
- Ellos/ellas pondrán (They will put)

For the verb "salir" (to leave), the future tense is formed by adding the endings -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, and -án to the infinitive stem "saldr-."

For example:
- Yo saldré (I will leave)
- Tú saldrás (You will leave)
- Él/ella saldrá (He/she will leave)
- Nosotros/nosotras saldremos (We will leave)
- Vosotros/vosotras saldréis (You all will leave)
- Ellos/ellas saldrán (They will leave)

For the verb "venir" (to come), the future tense is formed by adding the endings -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, and -án to the infinitive stem "vendr-."

For example:
- Yo vendré (I will come)
- Tú vendrás (You will come)
- Él/ella vendrá (He/she will come)
- Nosotros/nosotras vendremos (We will come)
- Vosotros/vosotras vendréis (You all will come)
- Ellos/ellas vendrán (They will come)

2. Here are three ways that people can help protect the environment in Spanish:

- Reciclar: Recycling is an important way to help protect the environment. By separating and properly disposing of recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and glass, we can reduce waste and conserve resources. (Reciclar)
- Ahorrar energía: Conserving energy is another crucial step in protecting the environment. This can be done by turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and choosing renewable energy sources whenever possible. (Ahorrar energía)
- Cuidar los recursos naturales: Taking care of natural resources is essential for environmental conservation. People can contribute by using water wisely, avoiding excessive consumption, and avoiding activities that harm natural habitats and ecosystems. (Cuidar los recursos naturales)