Part 1) Convert the following assembly code to machine code and enter the program into the 8086 trainer.



The machine code for the above code is:

B0 01 E6 00 CC 40 E6 00 EB FB CC

To enter this program into the 8086 trainer, follow these steps:

1. Turn on the trainer and select the assembler mode.
2. Enter the machine code using the keypad or load it from a file.
3. Set the starting address to 0000 and the ending address to 000A.
4. Run the program by pressing the run button or by using the command 'G 0000'.

Part 2) Write an assembly program that:

Load AL by 1, add 2 to it, transfer AL to AH, multiply AL by 2, add AH and AL, transfer the result of addition to the Port 0.
Convert your assembly code to machine code and enter the program into the 8086 trainer.

Here is the assembly program to accomplish the given task:

ORG 100h ; program start at 100h

MOV AL, 1 ; load AL with 1
ADD AL, 2 ; add 2 to AL
MOV AH, AL ; transfer AL to AH
ADD AL, AL ; multiply AL by 2
ADD AH, AL ; add AH and AL
OUT 0, AL ; transfer the result to port 0

INT 20h ; terminate program


To convert the above assembly program to machine code, we can use an assembler like TASM or MASM. Assuming we are using TASM, we can assemble the code using the following command:
tasm example.asm

This will produce an object file (`example.obj`). We can then link this object file using the following command:

tlink example.obj

This will produce an executable file (``) which we can load into the 8086 trainer.

Alternatively, we can use an online assembler like this one: We can copy and paste the assembly code into the editor, assemble it, and get the machine code in hexadecimal format. In this case, the machine code for the above program is:

B0 01 04 02 88 C4 02 03 E4 00 CF

We can then load this machine code into the 8086 trainer and run it.

Why is the led on the 8086 trainer for this assembly code?


The LED on the 8086 trainer for this assembly code may blink rapidly or may stay on continuously. This is because the program continuously increments the value of AL, and then outputs it to Port 0 using the OUT instruction.

Port 0 on the 8086 trainer is connected to an output port that can control external devices such as LEDs. When a value is written to Port 0, it is sent to that output port, which can then turn ON or OFF connected LEDs based on the value.

In this case, since the program continuously outputs the value of AL to Port 0, the connected LED on the 8086 trainer will toggle rapidly or stay on continuously depending on the hardware circuit.

It is important to note that the LED behavior may differ depending on the specific hardware implementation of the LED circuit and the external devices connected to the trainer.

Why is the led on in the 8086 trainer for this assembly code?


The LED on the 8086 trainer for this assembly code could be on or off, depending on the initial state before running the program.

The program continuously increments the value of AL and outputs it to Port 0 using the OUT instruction. Port 0 on the 8086 trainer is connected to an output port that can control external devices such as LEDs. When a value is written to Port 0, it is sent to that output port, which can then turn ON or OFF connected LEDs based on the value.

If the initial state of the LED is OFF, the LED will remain OFF until an odd number is written to Port 0 since an odd number will set the least significant bit of the LED control register to 1, and consequently turn the LED ON.

If the initial state of the LED is ON, the LED will remain ON until a different value than the previous one is written to Port 0 and resets the least significant bit of the LED control register to 0 and consequently turns the LED OFF.

It is important to note that the LED's behavior may differ depending on the specific hardware circuit and the external devices connected to the trainer.