Which quadratic rule represents the data in the table?


We cannot provide an answer as there is no table given to analyze the data.

To determine the quadratic rule that represents the data in the table, we need to look at the given data and check which equation best fits it.

Without the actual data from the table, we cannot determine the precise equation that represents it. However, we can analyze the options based on their general form:

1. y = -2x^2 + 5: This equation represents a downward-opening quadratic, meaning the coefficient of x^2 is negative. The constant term is positive.
2. y = -x^2 + 5: Same as the first equation, this also represents a downward-opening quadratic with a positive constant term.
3. y = x^2 - 5: This equation represents an upward-opening quadratic, as the coefficient of x^2 is positive. The constant term is negative.
4. y = x^2 + 5: Similar to the third option, this equation represents an upward-opening quadratic. However, the constant term is positive.

Without the specific data points, it is difficult to determine which equation from the options best represents the given data in the table.