Ijezie has twice as many apples as Muhammed and Mohamed has three times as many apples as Bamidele. If the three numbers have a total of 360 apples. Find the number owned by Muhammed

Let's start by assigning variables to the unknown quantities:

- Let B be the number of apples owned by Bamidele
- Then, Muhammed has three times as many apples as Bamidele, so M = 3B
- And Ijezie has twice as many apples as Muhammed, so I = 2M = 2(3B) = 6B

We know that the three quantities add up to 360 apples:

B + M + I = 360

Substituting the expressions for M and I in terms of B:

B + 3B + 6B = 360

10B = 360

B = 36

Now we can find M using the expression we found earlier:

M = 3B = 3(36) = 108

So Muhammed has 108 apples.

Let's assume the number of apples owned by Bamidele is x.

Therefore, Mohamed has 3x apples, and Ijezie has twice as many apples as Muhammed, which is 2 * (3x) = 6x.

The total number of apples owned by all three is x + 3x + 6x = 10x.

Given that the total number of apples is 360, we can set up the equation 10x = 360.

To find x, divide both sides of the equation by 10: x = 360 / 10 = 36.

So, Muhammed has 3x = 3 * 36 = 108 apples.

To solve this problem, we can break it down step by step.

First, let's assign variables to each person's number of apples. Let:
- Number of apples owned by Bamidele = x
- Number of apples owned by Mohamed = 3x
- Number of apples owned by Ijezie = 2(3x) = 6x

We know that the total number of apples owned by all three is 360, so we can write an equation:

x + 3x + 6x = 360

Now, we can combine like terms:

10x = 360

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 10:

x = 360 / 10
x = 36

Therefore, Bamidele has 36 apples.

To find the number owned by Muhammed, we substitute the value of x into the equation:

Muhammad = 3x = 3 * 36 = 108

So, Muhammed has 108 apples.