Mr. Fischer The box-andwhisker plots represent the quiz scores of two classes laught by Fischer and Mr. Holmes Holmes What is the median score for Holmes's class? 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68

As we do not have the box-and-whisker plots to make an accurate determination, we cannot provide an answer to this question.

To find the median score for Mr. Holmes's class, we need to determine the middle value in the set of scores.

The box-and-whisker plot provides us with the necessary information. Based on the given scores, we can see that the middle value lies between 38 and 44.

To find the exact median score, we take the average of these two values:

(38 + 44) / 2 = 82 / 2 = 41

Therefore, the median score for Mr. Holmes's class is 41.