The Pearl Important Project Dates. The following is a list of assignments dates for this marking period’s reading project. The reading project is an independent project that must be completed at home throughout the quarter. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in assignments on time. Assignment Description: 1 to 12 and Assignment Due Date

1. Selecting a book and submitting approval form - September 15th

2. Reading the book and taking notes - October 1st
3. Writing a summary of the book - October 5th
4. Writing a character analysis - October 10th
5. Creating a timeline of events in the book - October 15th
6. Writing a theme analysis - October 20th
7. Creating a map of the book’s setting - October 25th
8. Writing a plot analysis - October 30th
9. Creating a visual representation of a scene from the book - November 5th
10. Writing a point of view analysis - November 10th
11. Creating a book trailer - November 15th
12. Delivering a class presentation on the book - November 20th

I can provide you with the assignment descriptions and their due dates step-by-step. Please note that you have only provided the assignment numbers from 1 to 12, but not the actual descriptions. If you could provide the descriptions as well, I can give you a more detailed breakdown. Let's get started:

1. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 1]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 1]

2. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 2]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 2]

3. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 3]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 3]

4. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 4]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 4]

5. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 5]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 5]

6. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 6]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 6]

7. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 7]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 7]

8. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 8]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 8]

9. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 9]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 9]

10. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 10]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 10]

11. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 11]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 11]

12. Assignment Description: [Please provide the assignment description for assignment 12]
Due Date: [Please provide the due date for assignment 12]

In order to proceed, please provide the assignment descriptions and the due dates for each assignment.