There are 628 students in Tan high school. Tan surveyed 120 randomly chosen students about their favorite movie genre. Based on Tan sample data approximately how many students in the school prefer animated movies.

Science fiction 24
Horror 11
Comedy 27
Action 10
Animated 48

Based on the sample data, we can estimate that approximately 40 students in the school prefer animated movies.

To get this estimate, we first need to find the proportion of students in the sample who prefer animated movies. We do this by dividing the number of students who prefer animated movies in the sample (48) by the total number of students in the sample (120):

48/120 = 0.4

This tells us that 40% of the sample prefers animated movies.

To estimate how many students in the school as a whole prefer animated movies, we can use this proportion and apply it to the total number of students:

0.4 x 628 = 251.2

We round this to the nearest whole number and get an estimate of approximately 40 students in the school who prefer animated movies.

To find out approximately how many students in the school prefer animated movies, we can use proportions.

First, we find the proportion of students who prefer animated movies in the sample:
Proportion of students who prefer animated movies = (number of students who prefer animated movies in the sample) / (total number of students in the sample)
Proportion of students who prefer animated movies = 48 / 120 = 0.4

Next, we use this proportion to estimate the number of students in the school who prefer animated movies:
Number of students who prefer animated movies in the school = (proportion of students who prefer animated movies) * (total number of students in the school)
Number of students who prefer animated movies in the school = 0.4 * 628 = 251.2

Therefore, based on Tan's sample data, approximately 251 students in the school prefer animated movies.