Why does the protagonist feel that he is superrior thn black knight.Give two reason

As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific context or story you are referring to. However, in general, the protagonist may feel superior to the black knight for the following reasons:

1. Superior Skills: The protagonist may have better skills, training, or experience than the black knight. He may have defeated several opponents in the past, or he may have some unique strengths that give him an edge in battle. This superior ability could make the protagonist believe that he is superior to the black knight.

2. Righteousness: The protagonist may have a strong sense of morality or justice that he believes the black knight lacks. This may lead him to believe that he is superior in character to the black knight. He may feel that his cause is more noble, and his actions are justified, leading him to believe that he is better than the black knight.

The protagonist may feel superior to the black knight for several reasons. Here are two possible reasons:

1. Skills and abilities: The protagonist might believe that he possesses superior skills and abilities compared to the black knight. This could be based on past experiences or personal observations. For example, if the protagonist has consistently outperformed the black knight in combat or other challenges, he may develop a sense of superiority.

2. Accomplishments and reputation: The protagonist may have achieved more notable accomplishments or gained a greater reputation than the black knight. This could lead to him feeling a sense of superiority. If the protagonist has a history of defeating powerful adversaries or has earned recognition for his heroic deeds, he may perceive himself as being above the black knight in terms of achievements.