Which three of these does a maritime tropical air mass have?

Forms over land

Forms over water

Cooler temperatures

Warmer temperatures

Dry air

Moist air

Forms over water, warmer temperatures, moist air.

A maritime tropical air mass has the following three characteristics:

1. Forms over water: Maritime tropical air masses develop over warm oceanic areas, such as tropical and subtropical regions.

2. Warmer temperatures: As they form over warm waters, maritime tropical air masses usually have higher temperatures compared to air masses forming over land. These air masses bring warm and humid conditions.

3. Moist air: Maritime tropical air masses are characterized by high moisture content due to their formation over water bodies. They bring in humid conditions and may contribute to the formation of rain or thunderstorms when they interact with other air masses.

Therefore, the correct options are:

- Forms over water
- Warmer temperatures
- Moist air