Which three of these does a maritime polar air mass have?

Forms over land

Forms over water

Cooler temperatures

Warmer temperatures

Dry air

Moist air

Forms over water, cooler temperatures, moist air.

A maritime polar air mass has the following characteristics:

1. Forms over water: Maritime polar air masses are formed over cold ocean currents, usually in high latitudes. The air mass acquires its properties from the temperature and moisture conditions of the water below it.

2. Cooler temperatures: Maritime polar air masses tend to be cooler in temperature compared to other air masses. This is because they originate from higher latitudes where the water is colder.

3. Moist air: Maritime polar air masses have high moisture content as they form over water. The air picks up moisture from the ocean surface, leading to greater humidity.

Therefore, the correct three characteristics for a maritime polar air mass are: Forms over water, Cooler temperatures, and Moist air.