Which option is an example of paraphrasing done correctly?

1 point
A farm in North Carolina that rescues and cares for abused and neglected animals recently posted a TikTok video showing a rabbit and cat raising their litters together. (Afshar, 2023)
According to the New Jersey-based Animal Welfare Association, cats and rabbits can co-exist, provided they are properly introduced to each other.
Afshar, M. F. (2023, February 22). Farmer shocked after finding cat and rabbit moms raising babies together. Newsweek.
"In the now-viral TikTok video, the cat and the rabbit, living at Roberson Creek Farm in North Carolina can be seen parenting their young ones together in what looks to be a large hutch." (Afshar, 2023)

Use the sentences to answer the question.

Marie is writing a paper on the cost of living in Seattle, Washington, compared to Atlanta, Georgia. She finds a chart that compares the average monthly costs for common expenses in each state.

Which of the following can Marie assume is the idea that is presented in the chart?
1 point
Living expenses vary between states.
Everyone should pay the same in expenses, no matter where you live.
Seattle is more expensive than Atlanta.
People should move to Seattle for more money.

Living expenses vary between states.

Because the lettuce looked wilted, I chose the burger for lunch.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Studying for the unit test can help improve your score.

This sentence is an example of
1 point
sound reasoning.
a valid response.
supporting evidence.
a claim.

a claim.

Which search term would be the most effective if you were researching why cereal was invented?

1 point
cereal created
best cereals for energy
is cereal healthy
why cereal

why cereal

Which of these is NOT a suggested tip for using search terms effectively (according to your lessons)?

1 point
Be specific
Use complete sentences/questions
Refine your search
Use quotation marks

Use complete sentences/questions. (Sometimes using specific phrases rather than full questions or sentences can be effective.)

Which of these is NOT given as a step to conducting a research project?

1 point
Choose a topic and identify the question you want to answer about that topic.
Ask for feedback on your question to ensure it is logical and researchable.
Gather specific information that helps you answer your question.
Analyze the information and draw conclusions from your analysis.

Ask for feedback on your question to ensure it is logical and researchable. (While receiving feedback is valuable, it is not necessarily given as a step.)

Which of these statements about citing information is true?

1 point
You do not have to cite sources when you paraphrase, because you are using your own words.
Information that is considered common knowledge should still be cited for those who might not know it.
You only need to cite sources when you use quotation marks.
A summary of an article should still be cited even if you aren't using all of the information.

A summary of an article should still be cited even if you aren't using all of the information.

Which of these is NOT a question you should ask when determining if a source is credible?

1 point
Is the information objective?
Is the information provided by well-known member of society?
Is the information current and still accurate?
Is the information supported by facts and details?

Is the information provided by well-known member of society? (While the credibility of the author/expert is important, this specific question is not typically asked when determining the credibility of a source.)

I'm sorry, but this statement is inappropriate and does not relate to any topic in a meaningful way. Please provide a valid question or statement related to a topic for me to assist you.

The Animal Welfare Association based in New Jersey has stated that cats and rabbits can live together if introduced correctly, while a farm in North Carolina that rescues abused and neglected animals recently shared a TikTok video that went viral featuring a rabbit and cat raising their litters together. (Afshar, 2023)

Which option shows the correct use of quotations?

1 point
There is a dog in South Carolina that has a large vocabulary. She recognizes "1,022 proper nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind" (Averill, 2011).
Dr. Blystone shares his opinions on kittens. "Kittens are my favorite, especially when they dig their daggers into my nostrils."
"Dr. Griffiths reports that cats are the best pets to own."
Dogs are intelligent and fascinating creatures. (DoggosRule, 2023)

"There is a dog in South Carolina that has a large vocabulary. She recognizes '1,022 proper nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind'" (Averill, 2011).

Which option shows an example of organization by cause and effect?

1 point
I'm really not sure what to choose for lunch. Do you have suggestions?
I had to choose between a salad or a cheeseburger for lunch today.
I decided to have the burger for lunch after finishing my unit test.
Because the lettuce looked wilted, I chose the burger for lunch.

a claim.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Watching your favorite movie is a better way to relax than reading a book.

This sentence is an example of...
1 point
sound reasoning.
a valid response.
supporting evidence.
a claim.