How is paraphrasing different from summarizing?

A. paraphrasing uses quotation marks.

B. paraphrasing only contains the most important details.

C. paraphrasing expresses the same consept using diffrient words.

The correct answers for the quick check is: C,C, and B.

There is 4 questions for me and the last one is multiple choice

D. summarizing condenses the original text.

C. paraphrasing expresses the same concept using different words.

im not sure if that is correct

Shook it is 100%%% thank you

Shookith is 100%%% thank you

When are quotation marks used?(1 point)


when paraphrasing
when paraphrasing

when using a direct quote
when using a direct quote

when using your own words
when using your own words

when writing important details


The correct answer is C. Paraphrasing expresses the same concept using different words.

Paraphrasing and summarizing are both techniques used to restate information in your own words, but they have some key differences:

Paraphrasing involves expressing the same idea or concept from a source using different words and sentence structure. It aims to convey the information in a more concise and clearer way while maintaining the original meaning.

Summarizing, on the other hand, involves condensing a larger piece of information into a shorter version. It focuses on capturing the most important points and main ideas while omitting specific details and examples.

Regarding the given answer choices, option A is incorrect. Paraphrasing does not require the use of quotation marks unless you are directly quoting a specific phrase or sentence from the original source.

Option B is also incorrect. While summarizing involves condensing information, it does not necessarily mean that it only includes the most important details. Summaries can include supporting ideas and examples that help strengthen the main points.

Therefore, the correct difference between paraphrasing and summarizing is that paraphrasing expresses the same concept using different words.