If the probability that a chicken will cross the road is a third, then what is the ratio that the chicken will cross the road to the chicken will not cross the road? _____ to _____

The ratio of the chicken crossing the road to not crossing the road is 1 to 2 (or 1:2).

To find the ratio of the probability that a chicken will cross the road to the probability that it will not cross the road, we need to calculate the probabilities.

Let's denote "P(cross)" as the probability that the chicken will cross the road and "P(not cross)" as the probability that the chicken will not cross the road.

Given that the probability that a chicken will cross the road is one-third (P(cross) = 1/3), we can determine the probability that it will not cross the road.

Since the sum of all possible outcomes is equal to 1, we have:

P(cross) + P(not cross) = 1

Substituting the value of P(cross) that we were given, we can solve for P(cross):

1/3 + P(not cross) = 1
P(not cross) = 1 - 1/3
P(not cross) = 2/3

So, the probability that the chicken will not cross the road is 2/3.

To express the ratio, we write the probability that the chicken will cross the road to the probability that it will not cross the road:

P(cross) : P(not cross)
1/3 : 2/3

Thus, the ratio is 1/3 to 2/3.