Joseph and Hunter worked as plumbers for $36 and $40 per hour, respectively. In January, Joseph worked eighteen hours more than Hunter. If their total income for January was $5,968, how many hours did Hunter work?

Let's start by setting up two equations. Let j be the number of hours Joseph worked and h be the number of hours Hunter worked.

j = h + 18 (Joseph worked eighteen hours more than Hunter)
36j + 40h = 5968 (Their total income for January was $5,968)

Now we can substitute the first equation into the second equation to eliminate j:

36(h+18) + 40h = 5968

Distribute the 36:

36h + 648 + 40h = 5968

Combine like terms:

76h + 648 = 5968

Subtract 648 from both sides:

76h = 5320

Divide both sides by 76:

h = 70

So Hunter worked 70 hours in January. To find out how many hours Joseph worked, we can substitute h=70 into the first equation:

j = h + 18 = 70 + 18 = 88

So Joseph worked 88 hours in January.

Let's assume that Hunter worked x hours in January.

Joseph worked 18 hours more than Hunter, so he worked x + 18 hours in January.

The hourly rate for Joseph is $36, so his total income is 36 * (x + 18).

The hourly rate for Hunter is $40, so his total income is 40 * x.

Their total income for January was $5,968.

So, we can write the equation:
36 * (x + 18) + 40 * x = 5,968.

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of hours Hunter worked.