Why are metals used within most electronic devices and wires? In three to five sentences, apply your knowledge of conductivity to explain. make the answer non-copyrightable

Metals are used in most electronic devices and wires because of their high conductivity, meaning they allow electricity to flow easily through them. This property makes metals ideal for carrying electrical signals and transmitting power. Other common materials like plastics and ceramics are not good conductors and are therefore not suitable for these kinds of applications. Metals also tend to be strong and durable, making them ideal for use in electronic components that need to withstand frequent use and handling.

Metals are used in electronic devices and wires due to their high electrical conductivity. Conductivity refers to a material's ability to allow the flow of electric current. Metals have many free electrons in their outer energy levels, which can move freely within the metal lattice structure. This mobility of electrons allows for efficient transmission of electrical energy, making metals ideal for conducting electricity. Furthermore, metals possess other desirable properties such as malleability and ductility, which enable them to be easily shaped into wires and components for electronic devices.