The migrants pictured were likely prompted to begin their journey as a result of

Black Friday.

the Dust Bowl.


the New Deal.

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The migrants pictured were likely prompted to begin their journey as a result of

A. Black Friday.

B. the Dust Bowl.

C. Hoovervilles.

D. the New Deal.

Based on historical context, the most likely answer is B. the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl, a period of severe dust storms and drought in the Great Plains region of the United States, during the 1930s, led to the displacement of millions of farmers and their families. Many of them migrated to California and other western states in search of work and better living conditions.

The correct answer is B. the Dust Bowl. The migrants pictured were likely prompted to begin their journey as a result of the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms and drought in the Great Plains of the United States during the 1930s. These environmental conditions led to the destruction of crops and erosion of topsoil, forcing many farmers to migrate in search of better opportunities and livelihoods.