The track and Field coach wants to

know whether the students in the
entire school Prefer track races or field events. The coach dra as a Random sample From the Following groups .
. All students in each grade
. All Teachers in the school
. All boy in each grade in the school
. All students on the track-and-field team.

Which group best represents the population? She should take a random sample from to get the best results of her survey

The group that best represents the population of the entire school is all students in each grade. To get the best results of her survey, she should take a random sample from this group. This is because it covers all students in the school, regardless of gender or interest in track and field, and provides a representative sample of the entire population.

The group that best represents the population and from which the coach should take a random sample is "All students in each grade". By selecting a random sample from all students in each grade, the coach includes students from different backgrounds, interests, and abilities, providing a diverse representation of the entire school population. This group is likely to have a mix of students who favor track races and field events, giving the coach the most accurate understanding of the preferences of the entire school.