Can a refrigerator that is 21.5 cubic feet fit in a space that is 21 cubic feet? (1 point)

No, the refrigerator is too big for the space.

To find the volume of the table, we need to split it into simpler figures. Here, the composite figure consists of two rectangular prisms and a rectangular pyramid.

The first rectangular prism has dimensions 12 inches by 12 inches by 4 inches. Its volume is:

Volume of the first prism = 12 in × 12 in × 4 in = 576 cubic inches

The second rectangular prism has dimensions 8 inches by 8 inches by 25 inches. Its volume is:

Volume of the second prism = 8 in × 8 in × 25 in = 1600 cubic inches

The pyramid has a rectangular base with dimensions 30 inches by 2 inches and a height of 30 inches. Its volume is:

Volume of the pyramid = (1/3) × base area × height
= (1/3) × (30 in × 2 in) × 30 in
= 600 cubic inches

To find the total volume of the table, we add the volumes of the two rectangular prisms and the pyramid:

Total volume = 576 cubic inches + 1600 cubic inches + 600 cubic inches
= 2776 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of the table is 2776 cubic inches.

What is the volume of a cube with a side length of 1.5 in.?

The volume of a cube with a side length of 1.5 in. can be found by calculating 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5, which equals 3.375 cubic inches. So the volume of the cube is 3.375 cubic inches.

If the volume of a right rectangular prism is 1.5 in.3 and its length and width have a product of 1.5 in.2, what is the height of this prism?(1 point)

Let's call the length of the rectangular prism "l", the width "w", and the height "h". We know from the problem that:

- The volume (V) of the rectangular prism is 1.5 cubic inches: V = 1.5 in^3.

We also know that the length and width have a product of 1.5 square inches:

- lw = 1.5 in^2.

We can use these two equations to solve for the height (h):

- Since V = lwh, we can rearrange this to solve for h: h = V/(lw).
- Substituting the given values, we get h = (1.5 in^3) / (1.5 in^2) = 1 in.

Therefore, the height of the rectangular prism is 1 inch.

Lloyd bought a refrigerator that measures 76 cm×76 cm×170 cm to fit in a space with a volume of 975,000 cm3. Will the refrigerator fit in the space? Explain.

To determine if the refrigerator will fit in the space with a volume of 975,000 cm3, we need to compare the volume of the refrigerator to the volume of the space.

The volume of the refrigerator is:

76 cm x 76 cm x 170 cm = 1,169,280 cm3

The volume of the space is:

975,000 cm3

Since the volume of the refrigerator is larger than the volume of the space, the refrigerator will not fit in the space. The space is too small to accommodate the refrigerator.

what is the volume of the rectangular pyramid with a height of 5 mi, base width of 7.5 mi and base length of 7 mi

The formula for the volume of a rectangular pyramid is:

V = (lwh)/3

l = base length
w = base width
h = height

Plugging in the given values, we get:

V = (7 mi x 7.5 mi x 5 mi)/3
V = 262.5 cubic miles

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular pyramid is 262.5 cubic miles.