____ the role an organism plays in its habitat; what an organisms does in its habitat.



The role an organism plays in its habitat and what it does in its habitat are described by the terms "niche" and "habitat."

1. Habitat: The habitat refers to the specific physical environment where an organism lives. It includes the living and non-living components that provide the necessary resources for the organism's survival. For example, a forest can be a habitat for a variety of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.

2. Niche: The niche is defined as the specific role or function that an organism has within its habitat. It encompasses the interactions and relationships of the organism with other species and the abiotic factors of its environment. It includes the organism's feeding habits, reproductive strategies, interactions with other species, and how it utilizes the resources available in its habitat. The niche of an organism is its ecological "occupation" within its habitat.

3. Population: A population is a group of individuals of the same species that reside in the same habitat and have the potential to interbreed. It represents a specific group of organisms within a given habitat.

4. Community: A community is the assemblage of different populations of organisms that coexist and interact within the same habitat. It includes all the various species in a particular area and their interactions with one another. A community is made up of multiple populations of different species that share the same habitat.