A sized number cube is rolled 30 times and lands on 3 ten times and on 5 eight times. Calculate the experimental probability of landing ona 3

The experimental probability of landing on a 3 is found by dividing the number of times the cube lands on 3 by the total number of rolls.

Experimental probability of landing on a 3 = number of times cube lands on 3 / total number of rolls

In this case, the cube landed on 3 ten times out of 30 rolls.

Experimental probability of landing on a 3 = 10/30

Simplifying this fraction gives:

Experimental probability of landing on a 3 = 1/3

Therefore, the experimental probability of landing on a 3 is 1/3.

To calculate the experimental probability of landing on a 3, we need to divide the number of times the number cube landed on 3 by the total number of rolls.

Given that the number cube was rolled 30 times, and it landed on 3 ten times, we can proceed to calculate the experimental probability.

Experimental Probability of landing on a 3 = (Number of times the number cube landed on 3) / (Total number of rolls)

Experimental Probability of landing on a 3 = 10 / 30

Simplifying the above equation gives:

Experimental Probability of landing on a 3 = 1 / 3

Therefore, the experimental probability of landing on a 3 is 1/3.