Given a=(2,1,0), b=(-1,0,3), c=(4,-1,1), calculate the following triple scalar and triple vector products.

a x b•c

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

a×b = (3,-6,1)
a×b•c = 19

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. Thank you for correcting me.

You are correct that a x b = (3, -6, 1).

To find a x b • c, we first need to find the cross product of a x b, which we have already calculated as (3, -6, 1).

Next, we take the dot product of the resulting vector with c:

(3, -6, 1) • (4, -1, 1) = (3)(4) + (-6)(-1) + (1)(1) = 19

Therefore, a x b • c = 19.

To calculate the triple scalar product (a x b•c), we need to first calculate the cross product of vectors a and b, and then take the dot product of the resulting vector with vector c.

Let's start by calculating the cross product of vectors a and b:

a x b = (a2b3 - a3b2, a3b1 - a1b3, a1b2 - a2b1)

Substituting the values of vectors a and b in the formula, we have:

a x b = ((1*3) - (0*(-1)), (0*(-1)) - (2*3), (2*0) - (1*(-1)))


a x b = (3 + 0, 0 - 6, 0 - (-1))

a x b = (3, -6, 1)

Now, let's take the dot product of the resulting vector with vector c:

(a x b) • c = (3*4) + (-6*(-1)) + (1*1)


(a x b) • c = 12 + 6 + 1

(a x b) • c = 19

Therefore, the triple scalar product (a x b•c) is equal to 19.

The triple vector product is given by:

a x b x c = (a . c) b - (a . b) c

where "." denotes the dot product.

First, we find the vector products:

a x b = (2, 1, 0) x (-1, 0, 3) = (-3, -6, -1)

b x c = (-1, 0, 3) x (4, -1, 1) = (-3, 11, 1)

Next, we find the dot products:

a . b = (2)(-1) + (1)(0) + (0)(3) = -2

a . c = (2)(4) + (1)(-1) + (0)(1) = 7

Putting it all together, we get:

a x b x c = (7)(-1, 0, 3) - (-2)(4, -1, 1)
= (-7, 14, -17)

Therefore, the triple vector product is (-7, 14, -17).

To find the triple scalar product, we take the dot product of a x b with c:

(a x b) . c = (-3, -6, -1) . (4, -1, 1)
= (-3)(4) + (-6)(-1) + (-1)(1)
= -12 + 6 - 1
= -7

Therefore, the triple scalar product is -7.