187 visitors purchased no costume, 228 visitors purchased exactly one costume, 29 visitors purchased more than one costume.

Express the probability that the next person will purchase no more than one costume as a percent to the nearest whole number

To find the probability that the next person will purchase no more than one costume, we need to add the number of visitors who purchased zero or one costume and divide it by the total number of visitors:

P(purchase no more than one costume) = (187 + 228) / (187 + 228 + 29) = 415 / 444

To express this as a percentage, we multiply by 100:

P(purchase no more than one costume) = 93.47%

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the probability is 93%.

To find the probability that the next person will purchase no more than one costume, we need to calculate the ratio of the total number of visitors who purchased no costume or exactly one costume to the total number of visitors.

Total number of visitors = 187 (no costume) + 228 (exactly one costume) + 29 (more than one costume) = 444

Probability = (187 + 228) / 444

Probability = 415 / 444

Now, let's calculate the probability as a percentage:

Probability (in decimal form) = 415 / 444

Probability (in percentage form) = (415 / 444) * 100

Probability (in percentage form) ≈ 93.47

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the probability is approximately 93%.