The area of circle PQR with centre o is 72cm2. What is the area of sector POQ if angle POQ =40 degree?

Workings without explanation

Area of sector POQ = (40/360) x 72 = 8 cm2.

Step 1: Calculate the area of the entire circle PQR.

Area of a circle = πr², where r is the radius.

Given that the area of circle PQR is 72cm², we can use the formula to find the radius.

72 = πr²

Step 2: Solve for the radius.

Divide both sides of the equation by π:

72/π = r²

Step 3: Take the square root of both sides to find the radius.

√(72/π) = r

Step 4: Calculate the area of sector POQ.

Area of sector POQ = (angle POQ/360°) * area of the entire circle

= (40/360) * (πr²)

= (1/9) * (πr²)

Step 5: Substitute the value of the radius from Step 3 into the formula.

Area of sector POQ = (1/9) * (π * √(72/π)²)

= (1/9) * (π * (72/π))

= 8π cm²

Therefore, the area of sector POQ is 8π cm².