The area of circle PQR with centre O is 72cm2. What is the area of sector POQ if angle POQ=40 degree?

We first need to find the radius of circle PQR:

Area of circle PQR = πr^2

72 = πr^2

r^2 = 72/π

r ≈ 4.29 cm

Now we can use the formula for the area of a sector:

Area of sector POQ = (angle POQ / 360) x πr^2

Area of sector POQ = (40/360) x π(4.29)^2

Area of sector POQ ≈ 9.05 cm2

Therefore, the area of sector POQ is approximately 9.05 cm2.

To find the area of a sector, you can use the formula:

Area of sector = (angle/360) * π * r^2

Area of circle PQR = 72 cm^2
Angle POQ = 40 degrees

We need to find the area of sector POQ. However, we don't have the radius information. The radius is required to calculate the area of the sector. Please provide the radius of the circle PQR.