As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to determine if a person is attracted to school or not. However, from a gravitational perspective, all objects with mass are attracted to each other with a force known as gravity. If you are referring to the gravitational pull of the Earth on objects, then it would be safe to say that school, being an object on Earth, experiences the same gravitational force as any other object on the planet.

No, you are not attracted to school gravitationally speaking. Gravitational attraction is a physical force that exists between two objects with mass. It is the force that keeps objects grounded on the Earth and determines the motion of celestial bodies in space. However, when we talk about attraction to school, it usually refers to a person's interest, liking, or enthusiasm for attending or being involved in school-related activities. This kind of attraction is based on personal preferences, experiences, and motivations rather than the force of gravity.