What is 56+90+89+09-90-98+90

The sum of 56+90+89+09-90-98+90 is 247.

To find the solution to the expression "56 + 90 + 89 + 09 - 90 - 98 + 90," follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the numbers from left to right:
56 + 90 = 146

Step 2: Add the result to the next number:
146 + 89 = 235

Step 3: Add the next number:
235 + 09 = 244

Step 4: Subtract the next number:
244 - 90 = 154

Step 5: Subtract the next number:
154 - 98 = 56

Step 6: Add the final number:
56 + 90 = 146

Therefore, the solution to the expression is 146.