Which of the following best describes the term “torque”?

A set of springs or shock absorbers to smooth a vehicle’s ride
A force that causes rotation
It processes the received signals from sensors and reflects on actuators if needed
It provides power to the robot's electronic components

A force that causes rotation

The correct answer is: A force that causes rotation. Torque is a rotational force that tends to cause objects to rotate around an axis. It is typically measured in units such as Newton meters (Nm).

The term "torque" best describes a force that causes rotation. To understand the concept of torque, we can imagine a situation where we are trying to open a stubborn jar lid. When we apply a twisting force to the lid, we are applying torque. Torque is the measure of the turning force that causes an object to rotate around an axis or pivot point. It is typically represented by the symbol "τ" (tau) and is calculated using the formula τ = r * F * sin(θ), where r is the distance from the axis of rotation to the point where the force is applied, F is the magnitude of the force, and θ is the angle between the force vector and the lever arm.

So, out of the listed options, "A force that causes rotation" best describes the term "torque."