2. Explain the difference and relations between emotive and cogitative meanings?

Emotive and cogitative meanings are two different types of meanings that words can have.

Emotive meanings refer to the emotional connotations or associations that a word carries with it. For example, the word "love" has a strong emotive meaning, as it is associated with positive emotions such as happiness, passion, and affection.

Cogitative meanings, on the other hand, refer to the intellectual or cognitive aspects of a word's meaning. This includes its literal definition, as well as any logical inferences or associations that may be drawn from it. For example, the word "triangle" has a cogitative meaning that refers to a three-sided polygon with specific geometric properties.

However, emotive and cogitative meanings are often interconnected. Emotive associations can influence how a word is understood at a cogitative level, and vice versa. For example, the word "freedom" has a strong emotive meaning of liberation and autonomy, which also inform its cogitative meaning as a principle or value related to individual rights and self-determination.

Emotive and cogitative meanings are two ways in which words can be understood and interpreted. Let's break down these concepts:

1. Emotive Meaning: Emotive meaning refers to the emotional or subjective associations that a word carries. It deals with the feelings and attitudes associated with a word rather than its literal definition. Emotive meaning is subjective and varies from person to person, as it is influenced by personal experiences and cultural backgrounds.

Example: The word "home" has an emotive meaning associated with feelings of comfort, security, and belonging.

2. Cogitative Meaning: Cogitative meaning, on the other hand, relates to the cognitive or intellectual understanding of a word. It deals with the literal or objective definition of a word, devoid of any emotional connotations. Cogitative meaning is standard across different individuals and cultures, as it is based on shared definitions and language usage.

Example: The word "home" has a cogitative meaning that refers to a place where someone lives or resides.

Relation between Emotive and Cogitative Meanings:
- Emotive meaning and cogitative meaning are related because they shape our understanding and usage of language. They influence how we communicate and express ourselves.
- Emotive meanings often enhance or add emotional depth to cogitative meanings. They provide connotations and nuances that go beyond the literal definition.
- Cogitative meanings are foundational as they serve as the basis for communication and language comprehension. Emotive meanings build on top of cogitative meanings and can vary from person to person.

In summary, emotive meaning deals with the subjective, emotional associations of a word, while cogitative meaning relates to the objective, cognitive understanding of a word. They are interrelated but serve different purposes in language usage and communication.