Japanese Society and Culture Quick Check.

1. What is the main language spoken in Japan?


2. What is the dominant religion in Japan?

Shintoism and Buddhism

3. What is the traditional Japanese clothing?


4. What is the name of the popular Japanese cuisine?


5. What is the traditional Japanese tea ceremony called?

Chado or Sadō

6. What is the name of the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement?


7. What is the name of the traditional Japanese theater?


8. What is the name of the traditional Japanese martial art?


9. What is the name of the traditional Japanese method of self-defense using a weapon?


10. What is the name of the traditional Japanese comic books?


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Kabuki is a form of drama that

originated in Japan.

what did it do tho

Kabuki is a form of drama that combines music, dance, and elaborate costumes to tell stories. It is known for its stylized acting and the use of onnagata (male actors playing female roles). Historic and heroic stories are often featured in kabuki performances, and the shows are popular among both Japanese and non-Japanese audiences.

was it for common people?

Yes, Kabuki was developed during the Edo period (1603-1868) in Japan and was primarily performed for the common people rather than the aristocracy. It was known as a form of popular entertainment and was performed in theatres throughout the cities.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

In Shinto, the kami are

considered to be sacred spirits.

where they gods?