Write three paragraphs that compare From Scratch and Amy’s Metaphor.

Write a paragraph that summarizes the stories and describes the similarities and differences in the plot structures
Write a paragraph that compares the point of view and main characters of the stories
Write a paragraph that explains which story you liked more based on the comparisons you made in this portfolio of the stories’ style, tone, plot, structure, character development, or point of view.

From Scratch and Amy’s Metaphor are two unique stories with different plots, yet they share similarities in their storytelling. From Scratch is a story about a young Haitian boy who dreams of becoming a chef and must overcome obstacles to achieve his goal. Meanwhile, Amy’s Metaphor is a tale about a woman who uses a metaphor to explain her life journey from being a caterpillar to becoming a butterfly. Both stories contain protagonists who must overcome hardships and obstacles to fulfill their dreams. However, From Scratch is a coming-of-age story with a clear plot structure, while Amy’s Metaphor is more abstract and metaphorical.

In terms of point of view and main characters, From Scratch is written in the first person perspective of the young Haitian boy, while Amy’s Metaphor is narrated in the third person. The protagonist of From Scratch is a young boy named Sam who is passionate about cooking while the protagonist in Amy’s Metaphor is Amy herself. Sam and Amy are both determined and passionate about their goals, but they have different backgrounds and face different challenges.

After comparing the two stories, I found that I enjoyed From Scratch more. The story’s style and tone were straightforward and engaging, making it easy to follow the plot and connect with the characters. The plot structure helped to keep the story focused and concise, making it easier to understand and invest in Sam’s journey. Additionally, the character development in From Scratch was well-executed, allowing readers to root for Sam and his goal of becoming a chef. While I appreciated the metaphorical nature of Amy’s Metaphor, I found it more difficult to fully connect with the protagonist's journey, and the abstract nature of the plot structure left me feeling somewhat disconnected.

From Scratch and Amy’s Metaphor are two compelling stories that both explore the themes of self-discovery and personal growth. Despite their common themes, the stories have distinct plot structures and narrative styles.

In From Scratch, the plot follows the journey of an aspiring chef named Jenna as she navigates the challenges of opening her own restaurant. The story focuses on Jenna’s determination to overcome obstacles and prove herself in the culinary world. On the other hand, Amy’s Metaphor tells the story of a young woman named Amy who embarks on a metaphysical journey after a life-altering event. The plot of Amy’s Metaphor is more introspective and surreal, delving into the protagonist’s inner thoughts and emotions rather than external challenges.

While both stories have different plot structures, they share similarities in their themes of personal growth and self-discovery. Both Jenna and Amy undergo transformative experiences that shape their identities and push them to reevaluate their lives. Additionally, both stories highlight the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. In terms of differences, From Scratch focuses on the external challenges and hurdles faced by Jenna in her pursuit of opening a restaurant, whereas Amy’s Metaphor focuses on the internal struggles and philosophical concepts that Amy grapples with.

In terms of point of view and main characters, From Scratch is narrated from a third-person limited perspective, allowing readers to gain insight into Jenna’s thoughts and experiences. Jenna is depicted as a determined and passionate chef, whose dream of owning her restaurant drives her actions and decisions. Amy’s Metaphor, on the other hand, employs a first-person narrative, effectively immersing readers in Amy’s inner world. Amy is shown as a introspective and reflective character, constantly questioning her beliefs and searching for her true self.

Based on the comparisons made in this portfolio, I found Amy’s Metaphor more captivating and thought-provoking. The introspective and philosophical nature of the story, coupled with its unique narrative style, created a more immersive reading experience for me. Additionally, the emotional depth and character development of Amy were compelling, making her journey of self-discovery highly relatable. While From Scratch had its merits, it didn't resonate with me as strongly as Amy’s Metaphor in terms of style, tone, and character exploration.