Primo car rental agency charges $21 per day plus $0.25 per mile. Ultimo car rental agency charges $17 per day plus $0.75 per mile. Find the daily mileage for which the Ultimo charge is twice the Primo charge.

Let's say the daily mileage is x miles.

Primo's charge would be $21 + $0.25x.

Ultimo's charge would be $17 + $0.75x.

We want to find the value of x for which Ultimo's charge is twice Primo's charge:

$17 + $0.75x = 2($21 + $0.25x)

Simplifying, we get:

$17 + $0.75x = $42 + $0.5x

Subtracting $17 and $0.5x from both sides:

$0.25x = $25

Dividing by 0.25:

x = 100

Therefore, the daily mileage for which Ultimo's charge is twice Primo's charge is 100 miles.

Lindsey drew was the top score in a women’s professional basketball league for the 2006 regular season with a total of 820 points the number of two point field goals that Lindsey made with 60 less than double the number of three-point field goals she made the number of free throws each worth one point she may was 17 less than the number of two point field goals. She may find how many free throws to point field goal and three point field goal Lindsey drew made during the 2006 regular season.

Let's say the number of three-point field goals Lindsey made is x.

Then, the number of two-point field goals she made is 2x - 60 (since it's 60 less than double the number of three-point field goals).

And the number of free throws she made is 2x - 60 - 17 = 2x - 77 (since it's 17 less than the number of two-point field goals).

We know that the total number of points Lindsey made is 820, and we can use this information to set up an equation:

3x + 2(2x - 60) + (2x - 77) = 820

Simplifying, we get:

7x = 1037

Dividing by 7:

x = 148

So Lindsey made 148 three-point field goals.

Using this, we can find the number of two-point field goals and free throws she made:

Number of two-point field goals = 2x - 60 = 2(148) - 60 = 236

Number of free throws = 2x - 77 = 2(148) - 77 = 219

Therefore, Lindsey made 148 three-point field goals, 236 two-point field goals, and 219 free throws during the 2006 regular season.

Lindsey drew what’s the top score in a women’s professional basketball league in 2006 regular season with a total of 820 points the number of two-point field goals that Lindsey made was 60 less than double the number of three-point field goals she made the number of free throws each worth one point she may was 17 less than the number of two point field goals she made find how many free throws two point field goals and three point field goals Lindsey Drew, made during the 2006 regular season

Discuss whether a vertical line ever has a Y intercept

A vertical line is a line that runs straight up and down, parallel to the y-axis, and it can be represented by the equation x = a, where "a" is a constant that gives the x-coordinate of all points on the line.

Since a vertical line is parallel to the y-axis, it does not intersect the y-axis at any point, except at infinity. Therefore, a vertical line does not have a y-intercept in the traditional sense.

By definition, the y-intercept of a line is the y-coordinate of the point where the line intersects the y-axis. However, since a vertical line never intersects the y-axis, it does not have a y-intercept.

In conclusion, it can be said that a vertical line never has a y-intercept.

Determine whether the pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular, or neither line one goes through parentheses (0,5) and (15, 0) line to go through (0, -15) and (5,0)

To determine whether the pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular, or neither, we need to compare the slopes of the two lines.

Line one goes through (0, 5) and (15, 0), so we can find the slope using the slope formula:

slope = (change in y) / (change in x) = (0 - 5) / (15 - 0) = -5/15 = -1/3

Line two goes through (0, -15) and (5, 0), so we can find the slope using the slope formula:

slope = (change in y) / (change in x) = (0 - (-15)) / (5 - 0) = 15/5 = 3

Since the slopes have opposite signs and are reciprocals of each other (i.e., (-1/3) and 3 are reciprocals), we can conclude that the pair of lines is perpendicular.

One of the top 10 occupations in terms of job growth is the next few years is expected to be physician assistance the number of people, why, and thousands employed at physicians assistance in a country can be estimated by the linear equation 35x-2y=-144 where x is the number of years after 2008

a. Find the slope and the y-intercept of the linear equation
b. What does the slope mean in the next context?
c. What does the y-intercept mean in this context?

a. To find the slope and y-intercept of the linear equation 35x - 2y = -144, we need to rearrange it into slope-intercept form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept:

35x - 2y = -144

-2y = -35x - 144

y = (35/2)x + 72

So the slope is 35/2 and the y-intercept is 72.

b. The slope of the linear equation 35x - 2y = -144 is 35/2, which means that for every one year after 2008 (one unit increase in x), the number of physician assistants employed in thousands (y) is expected to increase by an average of 35/2 thousand or 17.5 thousand per year.

c. The y-intercept of the linear equation 35x - 2y = -144 is 72, which means that in the year 2008 (when x = 0), the estimated number of physician assistants employed in thousands was 72 thousand. Therefore, the y-intercept is an estimate of the initial number of physician assistants employed in the country at the beginning of the time period being analyzed (in this case, the beginning of the years after 2008).